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Galleria Cavour 1959 is the heart of the most historical, authentic and still profoundly live Bologna. It is the place where art, culture, education, commerce and conviviality intersect. It represents the Bologna of shopping with the most important and sought-after brands but it is also found at the centre of the medieval city at a stone’s throw from the Archiginnasio and from the archaeological museum, between markets and centuries’ old but still palpitating artisinal workshops. It is a casket with porticoed streets, squares, churches and buildings that make Bologna unique in the world.

Where we are

Via Massei 1, Bologna

Galleria Cavour 1959 is:

2 km from Bologna Central Station

7.4 km from Marconi Airport, which is connected to the city center by both the innovative People Mover (5 minutes) and the Aerobus (35 minutes)


Located in the heart of Bologna, Galleria Cavour 1959 is the ideal place for those seeking an unforgettable shopping experience. Our map will help you find your way around the Galleria’s exclusive stores, restaurants and services. Whether you are looking for the latest fashion trends, a gastronomic break or a high-quality wellness break in the Terrazza Green, you will find everything you want in Galleria Cavour 1959.

Plan your visit and have an unforgettable shopping experience!

Pianta di Galleria Cavour 1959


San Martino Parking

Exclusively for those who will shop in Galleria Cavour, it is possible to park, while spaces last, without paying the permit to enter the historic center (6€).
It will be necessary to show a purchase receipt in one of our boutiques to take advantage of the discount.

Vicolo San Damiano/Piazza Minghetti (200 m from the Galleria)

Garage del Commercio
Piazza Galvani 2 (50m from the Gallery)

These three parking lots also grant permission for non-residents to enter the historic center.

Staveco Parking

Viale Enrico Panzacchi, 10 (750m from the Galleria)
The latter, on the other hand, not being inside the walls, does not require a ZTL permit

Due Torri Parking
Via Zamboni, 16 (Bologna)


Fermo taxi Piazza Cavour
Fermo taxi Piazza Maggiore

tel. +39 051 37 37 27

tel. +39 051 634 94 00

E-Bike Station

Galvani Square corner of Farini Street,
Piazza di Porta Castiglione corner of Viale XII Giugno

Electric car charging points

Piazza Galvani corner Via Farini,
Piazza di Porta Castiglione corner of Viale XII Giugno

Galleria Cavour 1959, dettagli


Galleria Cavour 1959 is a totally accessible place for everyone as it is develops mainly on the ground floor. To access the Green Terrace there are available two elevators, to use them please contact the concierge, Via Massei 1 .



Be the first to know about our events, exhibitions, and much more.


🌟 @pietro.terzini X @galleriacavour1959, fino al 15 Febbraio!

More kindness 
More trips
More time
More dreams 
More love 
More wins

“Queste parole ci spingono a essere più gentili con noi stessi, a coltivare i sogni e a dare valore alle emozioni che arricchiscono la nostra vita.

Paola Pizzighini Benelli, AD Magnolia 
🌟 Pietro Terzini X @galleriacavour1959, until February 15th!

More kindness 
More trips
More time
More dreams 
More love 
More wins

“These words push us to be kinder to ourselves, to cultivate dreams and to give value to the emotions that enrich our lives.

Paola Pizzighini Benelli, AD Magnolia
#galleriacavour1959 #bologna #pietroterzini #newyear #more #luxurybrand
🖼️ Una Galleria nella Galleria!

📆 Era il 1962, quando Enzo Torricelli, Pasquale Ribuffo e Franco Bartoli inaugurarono in @galleriacavour1959 la Galleria d’arte de’ Foscherari, che diventò presto il simbolo dell’arte contemporanea a Bologna.

🧑🏻‍🎨 Tanti gli artisti che gravitarono intorno alla Foscherari, facendone un importante polo culturale.

🌙 Un giovane Mario Schifano usava scatenare il suo estro creativo in sessioni notturne all’interno dello spazio espositivo in Galleria!

🖼️ Nel 1968 proprio qui furono esposte le prime opere di Michelangelo Pistoletto in una delle prime mostre di Arte Povera.
🖼️ A Gallery within the Gallery!

📆 It was 1962, when Enzo Torricelli, Pasquale Ribuffo and Franco Bartoli inaugurated the Galleria d’arte de’ Foscherari in @galleriacavour1959, which soon became the symbol of contemporary art in Bologna.

🧑🏻‍🎨 Many artists gravitated around the Foscherari, making it an important cultural hub.

🌙 A young Mario Schifano used to unleash his creative flair during night sessions inside the exhibition space in the Gallery!

🖼️ In 1968, the first works by Michelangelo Pistoletto were exhibited right here in one of the first Arte Povera exhibitions.
#galleriacavour1959 #bologna #bolognacentro #bolognacitta #storiadibologna #galleriadefoscherari #artepovera #marioschifano #artecontemporanea #michelangelopistoletto
📔 Sfogliamo insieme il Quaderno didattico di @galleriacavour1959?

🥰 L’Ing. Giorgio Pizzighini racconta la storia della Galleria ai bambini attraverso giochi e indovinelli, svelando aneddoti e curiosità su questo luogo iconico della città. 
📔 Shall we browse the @galleriacavour1959 Educational Notebook together?

🥰 Eng. Giorgio Pizzighini tells children the story of the Gallery through games and riddles, revealing anecdotes and curiosities about one of the city’s most iconic locations.
#galleriacavour1959 #bologna #storiadibologna #educational #quadernodidattico #architecturelovers
💥 In @galleriacavour1959 una nuova scritta di @pietro.terzini !

‘More kindness
More trips
More time
More dreams
More love
More wins’

💫 L’installazione luminosa celebra i nostri desideri, valori e migliori auspici per l’anno appena iniziato!

➡️ Potete vederla fino al 15 Febbraio 2025 in @gallleriacavour1959 a Bologna!
💥 At @galleriacavour1959 there is a new text by Pietro Terzini!

‘More kindness
More trips
More time
More dreams
More love
More wins’

💫 The light installation celebrates our desires, values ​​and best wishes for the new year!

➡️ You can see it until February 15th 2025 at @galleriacavour1959 in Bologna!
📸 Credits @visivalab 
#galleriacavour1959 #bolognashopping #bologna #bolognacentro #luxurybrand #pietroterzini #installationart