carbon neutral
Galleria Cavour 1959 is the first commercial gallery at an international level to acquire the important “carbon neutral” environmental certification.

2022, Rendicontazione delle emissioni (Carbon Footprint) di Galleria Cavour 1959
The rationalist building that gives life to Galleria Cavour 1959 was already born with a vision that was ecological and futuristic for its time. In fact, since its conception, the project has included underfloor heating with thermopanels and a roof garden in the heart of the building.
Galleria Cavour 1959 today chooses the fight against climate change as one of its main drivers of growth, following a Carbon Reduction Roadmap. The objective is to minimize any CO2 emissions produced by direct and indirect activities by making heating and lighting systems, in particular, more efficient.

Galleria Cavour 1959 becomes Carbon Neutral, in line with the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and with the European Green New Deal.
The Galleria compresses CO2 production to the maximum and offsets the inevitable emissions generated, through Carbon Credits certified and recognized by the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Conventions on Climate Change). The Carbon Credits derive from a reforestation project, certified by Verra, the world’s leading standard for forestry projects for the production of carbon credits, based in Washington.
The project is followed by ‘Carbon Credits Consulting’: an innovative startup from Bologna specialized in consultancy for organizations sensitive to environmental issues.

The reforestation activity in Brazil, supported by Galleria Cavour 1959, generates three high-impact outcomes: environmental, social and biodiversity.
Development, within a previously degraded area of a eucalyptus forest, the tree species with the highest efficiency in CO2 sequestration for the area. Restoration of the savannah, the native vegetation, for approximately ¼ of the area with a mosaic technique to intersect the two types of forests in several points, creating a biological corridor for wild animals.
Creation of new qualified jobs for local populations, who benefit from the project together with their families, thanks to an excellent salary, training activities and other benefits.
Repopulation of wild forest animals with the protection and safeguarding of their natural habitat. At least seven species considered at risk have benefited from the project: puma, ocelot, maned wolf, giant anteater, pampas deer, tapir and hyacinth macaw.

Every season at Galleria Cavour 1959 is different and it shows!
In fact, great attention is paid to the selection of ornamental plants and design elements to give the areas a green soul, from the columns that separate the shop windows to the common areas. Each element leads back to the theme of the natural and marks the passage of the seasons.